Pakistan qualifies for Tent-pegging World Cup

Following impressive performance in Tent-pegging World Cup Qualifiers, Pakistan, after a drought of ten years, has qualified for Tent-pegging World Cup 2018 scheduled to be held in Russia later this year.
Pakistan’s Tent-pegging team won two gold and two silver medals in the Qualifiers, which were held in Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia. The tournament featured teams from Australia, United Arab Emirates, India and Pakistan.
Both India and Pakistan have qualified for the ITPF World Cup, to be held in Moscow, Russia, in September 2018.

Pakistan’s five-member team included Nigah Hussain (Captain), Fazeel Ahmad Bhatti, Irfan Mehmood, Nasir Gowance, Rashid Warraich, Dr. Farooq Ahmad (Manager) and Malik Haroon Bindyal (Coach).
Captain Nigah Hussain was named Player of the Tournament for his superb play.
Tent-pegging is an ancient equestrian sport based on light horse skills and tactics. Teams of four riders gallop in unison past four pegs in the ground. Points are awarded for both retrieving the peg with either a sword or a lance, as well as team drill.
Tent-pegging competitions have been held in the subcontinent for centuries, but are now largely reduced to the odd festival where turbaned riders mounted on horseback and armed with lances aim at tiny wooden blocks in shows of precision.