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President Pakistan So-Kyokushin Federation Raja Khalid meets World Sokyokushin’s president Hanshi, Daigo Oishi

By;Asghar Ali Mubarak
Tokyo: The President Pakistan So-Kyokushin Federation Raja Khalid meets World Sokyokushin’s president Hanshi, Daigo Oishi, and Supreme advisor Hanshi Kazuyuki Hasegawa at the World so Kyokushin tournament at Tokyo Japan on other day. The living legend of world Sokyokushin’s president Hanshi, Daigo Oishi, and Supreme advisor Hanshi Kazuyuki Hasegawa are Oyama Sosai’s direct pupils. Their Karate is ‘pure Kyokushin Karate’, directly from Oyama Sosai. To succeed and hand down correct Kyokushin Karate without impurities, and to continue development together, regardless of groups or factions, are aims .People both inside and outside of Japan who support these aims will raise the quality of Kyokushin Karate. These two Hanshi are having steadfast and they are in charge of instructing still now. This is the feature of Sokyokushin. ‘Saying neither the status nor a title.’ Both Shihan that command the organization that wears karategi and are sweat instructing shed in training at dojo still now. This is just an only the best means of succession and tradition of the right Kyokushin Karate.Hanshi, Daigo Oishi is the president of the new organization (Sokyokushin). He became a pupil of Kyokushin Kaikan So honbu dojo in 1969. He won the 3rd prize of the 3rd Japan Tournament and 4th prize of the 6th All Japan Tournament. And in the memorable 1st World Tournament he won the 4th prize. Because of his excellent record, he became Sosai’s Uchideshi and was given masterful instruction for 5 years. His foot work was sharp and called ‘Yoto Muramasa’. Because Oishi Shihan’s technique had sharpness and deadly force that reminded Oyama Sosai of this famous sword ‘Yoto Muramasa’. He was also acclaimed as the “genius of kick work” by Sosai Oyama. He established the Yamanashi branch in 1976. He also established the Shizuoka branch in 1977. He was always on the front line like Shihan Hasegawa. Kazuyuki Hasegawa is the Hanshi who is the Supreme advisor of the new organization (Sokyokushin). He became a pupil of Kyokushin Kaikan So honbu dojo in 1967. He won the 3rd prize in the 1st All Japan Tournament in 1969. He had a brilliant championship in the 2nd tournament of the next year. His nickname is “The small giant”. He established the Tokushima branch dojo from 1970. He established the Aichi branch dojo in 1978. Moreover, as a leader, he has brought up many world champions and all Japan champions. He contributes immensely to Kyokushin Kaikan. The World Sokyokushin’s president Hanshi, Daigo Oishi, and Supreme advisor Hanshi Kazuyuki Hasegawa is leading Kyokushin Karate correctly in the world to spread true martial arts in the would like to honor Sosai Oyama’s last wish correctly.

During the historical meeting the President Pakistan So-Kyokushin Federation Raja Khalid said that the So-Kyokushin federation of Pakistan is committed to the development of the So-Kyokushin martial arts game in Pakistan. Raja Khalid said that next year we are planning to host an international event in Islamabad Pakistan. We are promoting Japanese martial arts in Pakistan on Gross Root Level. The President of So-Kyokushin federation of Pakistan hoped that Pakistan will participate in 2020 Olympic Japan.Raja Khalid also visited the so- Kyokushin world’s head Quarter Tokyo Japan. The President So-Kiyokushin Kaikan Karate Federation Pakistan, Chairman Kyukishun Pakistan federation and CEO Raja Martial arts and Fitness Gym Behria Town Islamabad is the symbol of success in Martial arts in Pakistan who specially came from United States of America to serve the nation through Martial Arts activities. Raja Khalid Chairman Kyukishun Pakistan federation and CEO Raja Khalid Martial arts and Fitness Gym Behria Town Islamabad established international Dojo under the supervision of Raja’s Martial arts and Fitness Gym Behria Town Islamabad.