
PCB restricts players to two foreign leagues each season

LAHORE: The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has decided to restrict its centrally-contracted players’ participation to two foreign leagues each season.

Chairman Najam Sethi endorsed the decision proposed by a PCB committee to restrict contracted players’ participation in cash-rich T20 leagues around the world to two per season (including PSL), a press release issued on Wednesday said.

As per the new policy, non-contracted players are bound to play at least three domestic first-class matches for them to be entitled to receive NOC for participation in foreign cricket leagues.

Retired players do not need any NOC from the PCB; however, as per ICC rule they are bound to obtain NOC from the board for two years from the date of their retirement.

To deal with special cases not covered under the rules, a four-member committee comprising the Chairman, Chief Selector, Head Coach Pakistan Team and Director Cricket Operations will decide to issue NOC for players wishing to participate in any additional league, the press release stated.

A number of other important decisions were also endorsed by the PCB chairman:

► Rules for holding private league(s) have been made elaborately clear to the applicant(s) for clear understanding and applicant(s) will have to fully abide by the rules made for granting permission to hold private league(s) before issuing any NOC(s) to them. The rules will be circulated shortly to all parties who have shown interest in holding private tournaments involving current players.

► There will be no change in the existing domestic cricket structure adopted in the cricket season 2017/18 and it will continue to be implemented in the forthcoming season 2018/19 with one amendment: a one-day tournament would also be held alongside four-day first-class tournament with one day rest in between four-day and one-day matches.

Eight Regions and eight Departments will play first-class cricket in a combined Quaid-e-Azam Trophy (QAT) tournament. The bottom ranked team of Region i.e. Faisalabad from 2017-18 QAT will be relegated to QAT Grade II and in its place the top ranked Region team of Grade II 2017/18 winner of QAT will be promoted to first-class cricket for season 2018-19.

Likewise, bottom ranked team of Department i.e. National Bank of Pakistan from 2017-18 QAT will be relegated to Patron’s Trophy Grade II and in its place, the top ranked Department team of Patron’s Trophy Grade II i.e. ZTBL will be promoted to first-class cricket for season 2018-19.

► Domestic players match fees would be enhanced in order to financially strengthen regional players to bring them at par with the departmental players. Monthly retainership amount being paid to domestic players as per current policy will be diverted towards domestic players match fee enhancement.

► Organisation of PCB controlled club cricket at districts level will be outsourced. This tournament will be in addition to the mandatory requirement of districts to organise two club-level tournaments.

► Number of teams participating in Patrons Trophy Grade II in 2018/19 will be reduced to 16 to bring quality and competitiveness in Patrons Trophy Grade II level. This will be done on the basis of more stringent criteria for qualification of teams to play Patrons Trophy Grade II.

► Shakil Shaikh, adviser to the Chairman, has been given the task to visit all the first-class centers and submit a report on pitches and infrastructures along with recommendations to upgrade the existing pitches and facilities within next 30 days. Director Academies Mudassar Nazar or Director Cricket Operations Haroon Rashid may accompany him during these visits.

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