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Punjab Won the Tittel of 4th Abdul Razak Arain Ramzan night Rocball Tournaments 2018


Pakistan Rocball Federation is organized 4th Abdul Razak Arain Ramzan night Rocball Tournament 2018 at Mini Sports Complex Nazimabad Karachi on 29th May to 2nd June 2018. (9.00 pm to 2.00 am).
Third Position,
Police beat Garden Fighter,  2-1 Sets. (Police,  Khurram-1 Coal)
Final Match.
Punjab beat Ghazi Sports,  2-0 Sets,  ( Punjab, Amanullah-2 Goals)
Dr. Junid Ali Shah was the Chief Guest in Closing ceremony and distribution to Cash Prize Winner team Punjab Rs.1,50000/- and Runner Rs. 50,000/-  Trophies, Medals to  Winner,  Runner Third Position Teams holders and Shields,  Gift hamppers to Guest, all participation teams Managers and Coaches.  Dr. Junid Ali Shah Director KDA Announce the  in our speech to given the playing land /Ground for Pakistan Rocball Federationto to sports propose to promote in Sports in Karachi level and Sindh.
Ms.  Ume Laila Kalsoom,  General Secretary Pakistan Rocball Federation in our speech to Announce  Pakistan Rocball Team going to participation in Asian Rocball Championship at Malaysia month of September.
In this ocssion Mr. Saeed Ahmed Arain Chairman Pakistan Rocball Federation,  Mr. Ajaz Udain President Sindh Rocball Association, Mr.  Waseem Feroz Olympion,  Mr. Maqbool Arain S.V. President Pakistan Rocball Federation,  Mr.  Arshad Khan, S.V. President SRA,  Mr. Adnan Vohra,  Chairman,  Karachi Throwball,  Mr. Adnan Tareen,  Secretary Sindh Throwball,  Mr.  Ivan Fedrick,  Secretary Karachi Throwball are present in closing ceremony.

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