The weird to the wonderful— football pitches of the world


Playing football, nothing could be simpler, right? All you need is a ball, a few players and — a pitch.

Around the world and whatever the landscape, football grounds abound — and are as varied and diverse as the people who play on them.

In this file photo taken on December 20, 2017 Picture shows a futsal pitch on the rooftop of a department store next to the Shibuya crossing in Tokyo. Photo: AFP

Perched on top of a Japanese department store, lost on a dusty mountain trail in Nepal or nestled at the foot of an ancient aqueduct in Rome.

In this file photo taken on December 16, 2017 shows futsal fields on the rooftop of a shopping mall in Seoul.  Photo: AFP

Where there is a love of football, there will always be a pitch.

In this file photo taken on February 15, 2018 Nepali school students play football in a ground at Bahuneypati, Sindhupalchok some 70 kilometres northeast of Kathmandu. Photo: AFP 

In football-mad Brazil, pitches are crammed between crowded neighbourhoods in big cities like Sao Paolo or swallowed in Rio´s Tavares Bastos favela by buildings piled up like a house of unsteady cards.

 In this file photo taken on May 27, 2018 Boys play football on a pitch at Tavares Bastos favela, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. PhotoL AFP

In New York´s Brooklyn, footballers play by the waterside with the Statue of Liberty for backdrop. Seoul´s nightlife includes a pitch ablaze with light on a rooftop above a shopping centre.

In this file photo taken on May 20, 2018 People play a soccer match during sunset at Brooklyn Bridge Park in New York City, against the background of the Statue of Liberty. Photo: AFP 

In Switzerland players drink in the beauty of mountains and valleys with Lac Leman in the distance.

In this file photo taken on October 05, 2017 from the Mont de Gourze in Riez, western Switzerland, shows a football pitch illuminated with floodlights at sunset above the Lake Geneva. Photo: AFP

The Arctic circle boasts Henninsvaer FC´s ground, whose green synthetic turf is squeezed between Norway´s snow capped mountains and icy seas.

This file photo taken on March 08, 2018 shows a general view of the football stadium of Henninsvaer FC in Henningsvaer, northern Norway, Lofoten islands, within the Arctic Circle. Photo: AFP

In Turin, a local pitch nestles atop a building among church spires and reddish-brown rooftops while in Rugeley, central England, teams play beneath the massive cooling towers of a huge coal-fired power station.

In this file photo taken on April 02, 2016 Shipston Excelsior FC (black and white) play Burnwood Town FC at Brereton Town FC´s ground in front of the coal-fired Rugeley Power Station, near Rugeley, central England. Photo: AFP

Courtesy : Geo Tv