BoG approved Model Constitution for City Cricket Associations


Lahore:The BoG approved the Model Constitution for City Cricket Associations, which is in harmony with the PCB Constitution 2019 and Model Constitution for Cricket Associations.

Some of the salient features of the model constitution for City Cricket Associations, which will shortly be available on the PCB’s website, are:

i. Article 5 deals with City Cricket Association members

ii. As per Article 6.1, the General Body composition of the City Cricket Association is that of its President, Vice-President and Secretary, along with club President of each full Member Club.

iii. As per Article 9.1, the seven-member Management Committee will include three members elected by the General Body, two independent members nominated by the PCB Nominations Committee, one representatives of the Principal Sponsor of the City Cricket Association and an elected President. The tenure of the members will be three years each.

iv. The qualification criteria for a General Body and/or Management Committee member is set out in Article 12.

v. The non-exhaustive list of Powers and Functions of the Management Committee are provided in detail under Article 10; however, some of the key responsibilities include:

a. Appointments of the General Manager, Finance Manager and other officers of the City Cricket Association and appointment of a selection committee on the recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer

b. Submission of complete audited and management accounts to PCB

c. Formulation of policies for the development of cricket in its jurisdiction at all levels

d. Control and/or management of the affairs of the stadium, sports complex(es), gymnasia and playing grounds owned or supervised by it

e. Enter into contracts in furtherance of the objects of the City Cricket Association

f. Implementation of the programmes formulated by the City Cricket Association

vi. Article 21 deals with Cricket Tournaments and spells out sanctions for clubs not participating in notified cricket tournaments

As per Article 24, the Principal Sponsor will be appointed through a transparent bidding process on a minimum one-year basis and shall be granted naming, branding and other sponsorship rights pertaining to the City Cricket Association.