ICC issued guidelines for the revival of cricket after the corona virus


Dubai:The International Cricket Council (ICC) has issued guidelines for the revival of cricket after the corona virus, under which players will not be able to hug or shake hands to celebrate any victory on the field. Hi-Five will also be banned.

The 16-page ICC Back to Cricket Guidelines issued by the International Cricket Council (ICC) confirmed that bowlers will not be able to use saliva to polish the ball.

According to ICC documents, the players will keep their distance from each other on the field, which will not allow any celebration that involves body contact, as well as players will use their equipment separately and including a water bottle. We will not give anything to each other.

Bowlers on the field will not hand over any of their equipment such as sweaters, sunglasses, jumpers, caps, etc. to the umpires, each player will be responsible for their own equipment.

Bowlers have also been instructed to avoid touching their faces after using the ball and to use hand centrifuges repeatedly, with umpires wearing gloves to touch the ball.

The guidelines also stipulate a minimum distance of one and a half meters between the players during training.

The ICC says the guidelines are in line with the guidelines of its Medical Advisory Board, which recommends appointing a Chief Medical Officer with each team to provide a healthy environment for players. Will be responsible

Another point is that teams will be tested for corona virus before international competitions and players will spend at least 14 days in quarantine.

The ICC guidelines advise teams to travel on chartered flights for the International Series, as well as separate rooms for players and the team to stay on the same floor.

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