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INF hold netball roadshow for Asia to discuss future plans

Lahore: The International Netball Federation on Wednesday organised an INF Roadshow of Asia, discussing the impact of coronavirus pandemic that has affected the international sports activities across the globe. including that of netball events in Asia and elsewhere.

President INF Liz Nicholl (CBE) chaired the meeting and briefed the participants from the various countries about the recovery and development plans for the future netball events. President Pakistan Netball Federation (PNF) Mudassar Arain as well as representatives of and many other Asian countries attended the meeting.

President INF assured that the international body will help and support the affected countries as well as provided the SOP protocol for future events.

Mudassar later thanked the International Netball Federation for hosting INF Roadshow of Asia, which was conducted by INF President Liz Ncholl and CEO Clare Briegal.It may be mentioned here that the world netball bodies have been forced to postponed\ several international events due to the coronavirus pandemic including Asian Women Netball Championship, Asian Men Netball Championship and World U-15 Girls Netball Championship which were to be held before July 2020.

Pakistan Netball Federation (PNF) has already postponed all netball activities in the country due to the coronavirus outbreak and lockdown situation on the special instructions of the Government and Pakistan Sports Board (PSB).

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