2-days online National Rope Skipping Coaching Course starts from June 27.


ISLAMABAD: The 2-days online National Rope Skipping Coaching Course under the auspices of Pakistan Rope Skipping Federation will start from June 27.President, International Rope Skipping Federation,Harpal Singh Flora will inaugurate the 2-days course.

President of Pakistan Rope Skipping Federation Maqbool Arain said that the preparations for the coaching course are in full swing. He said that the executive Committee meeting of Pakistan Rope Skipping Federation will be called in the in the next few days and all arrangements and regulations of the course will be finalised in the said meeting.
He said that Coaches, Sports Teachers and players from all over the country can participate in the course.

He said that Various experts and experienced international coaches namely, Director, International Rope Skipping Federation, Marteen; Moagi Sharp (Bostswana), Fateemah Sheybani (Iran), Davesh (India) will deliver the lectures to the participants on new laws/rules, techniques games Rope Skipping, physical fitness, Side effects of drugs and diet etc.

He said that candidates who interested to participate in the course, can register their names, date of birth, qualifications, experience of games and address on whatsapp # 03213077577 or pakropeskippingfed@gmail.com before June 20.

To further seek information,
they should contact to the Secretary General, Pakistan Rope Skipping Federation, Shariq Siddiqui on 03122707356.