Daily Archives: November 13, 2020

PSF-KP Men & Women International Satellite Squash Tournament Peshawar 2020 from 20th Nov

Khyper Pakhtunkhawar Squash Association is set to organize the PSF-KP Men & Women International Satellite Squash Tournament in Peshawar from 20th-22nd Nov. Khyper Pakhtunkhawar Squash Association under the supervision of Professional Squash Association and in collaboration with Pakistan Squash Federation and Khilari are jointly organizing the PSF-KP Men & Women International Satellite Squash Tournament in Peshawar.President KP squash Association, Qamar ...

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Closing Ceremony Blind Women Cricket Training Camp, Islamabad

The Australian High Commission sponsored a five-day cricket training for visually impaired women and girls from across Pakistan, organised in collaboration with the Pakistan Blind Cricket Council (PBCC) on 5-10 November.  The training builds on Australia’s support to PBCC in the formation of Pakistan’s first blind women cricket team in 2018, which played its first international Twenty20 game last year. ...

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