Special meeting of the BoG on Monday

A Special Meeting of the Board of Governors will take place on Monday, 13 September, at 1100 at the National High Performance Centre in Lahore to elect the 36th PCB Chairman. The PCB Election Commissioner, Mr Justice (retd) Sheikh Azmat Saeed, will conduct the election and preside over the Special Meeting.
Mr Aasim Wajid Jawad, Ms Alia Zafar, Mr Asad Ali Khan, Mr Arif Saeed, Mr Javed Kurieshi, Mr Ramiz Raja and Mr Wasim Khan are members of the BoG and will attend the special meeting.
At 1415 inside the Bob Woolmer Indoor School, NHPC, the newly-elected PCB Chairman will hold his media conference, which will be live-streamed on all PCB social media channels.
As per the PCB Covid-19 Protocols, which are designed to ensure health and wellbeing of all involved, only reporters and correspondents who are fully vaccinated and have immunisation certificates are invited to attend the media conference. TV news channels will be welcome to use PCB’s broadcast quality live-stream details of which will be shared shortly before the start of the media conference.