1st Meeting of Steering Committee for holding 14th South Asian Games – 2023 in Pakistan


First meeting of Steering Committee for holding of South Asian Games to be held in March – 2023 was held under the chairman Mr Asad Umar Minister for Planning and Development and Dr Fehmida Mirza vice chairman in the Ministry IPC. Secretary IPC briefed the committee regarding the preparedness of sports infrastructure for holding different events of South Asian Games including mega upgradation of the existing facilities which would be completed much prior to the commencement of the games. The meeting was informed that all the initial requirements i) guarantee for entry of athletes on accreditation cards,ii) free visa to high level dignitaries,iii) tax and custom duty exemptions for athletes on goods/equipment being brought by the athletes have already done by the IPC

The meeting focused on the organizational aspects of the 14th South Asian Games. Different arrangements including logistics, security, venue selection, player training and hiring of foreign coaches were also discussed. During the meeting it was also informed that venues will be finalized by the organizing committee and the two optional games will also be decided by the organizing committee. The committee was further apprised that the secretariat for games is also underway.The committee was informed that different training camps for Volleyball, Wrestling, Weightlifting, Taekwondo, Athletics and Hockey are being held. Foreign Coaches for Volleyball and Taekwondo are being hired to train the local players. Furthermore, hiring of foreign coach for hockey is also under process.  Secretary Sports Punjab briefed the meeting regarding the preparedness of the government of Punjab and it was apprised that the sports infrastructure required for holding the events will be completed

President Pakistan Olympic Association during his presentation highlighted different aspects of the games.  Minister for Planning and Development remarked that the training of the athletes is a top priority for the government and foreign coaches to enhances performance of athletes.Minister for Sports Punjab Taimoor Bhatti was also in attendance along with other members of steering committee.

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