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Safety Crisis Looms in KP Sports Directorate as Expired Fire Extinguishers Pose Threat to Thousands!

Safety Crisis Looms in KP Sports Directorate as Expired Fire Extinguishers Pose Threat to Thousands!

Musarrat Ullah Jan

In a troubling revelation, the sports community in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa faces a serious safety concern that could potentially endanger the lives of thousands of people. The sports directorate, which hosts over 3000 visitors daily , including athletes and the general public, across various venues, has been found to lack essential fire safety measures.

Kikxnow discovered that a significant number of fire extinguishers in the sports venues are outdated and have exceeded their expiration dates. Shockingly, some venues don’t even have fire extinguishers at all, further highlighting the lack of preparedness in the case of a fire emergency.
The absence of a fire alarm system within these sporting venues raises further alarm bells. In the event of a fire outbreak, the absence of early detection mechanisms could lead to delayed response times, putting the lives of athletes, spectators, and staff at severe risk.

To make matters worse, the staff members and personnel responsible for the maintenance of the sports directorate are reportedly unaware of proper fire extinguisher operation protocols. This lack of knowledge and training can impede effective response during an emergency, potentially exacerbating the situation and leading to catastrophic consequences.

Even the offices within the sports directorate, where crucial records are maintained, are not exempt from this safety crisis. Several office spaces lack fire extinguishers, leaving the records vulnerable to damage or destruction in the event of a fire.

This alarming situation highlights a severe neglect of safety protocols within the KP Sports Directorate. The failure to address these issues could lead to devastating consequences, with potential losses of human lives and vital records.
The authorities are urged to take immediate action to rectify this grave safety lapse. Replacing all expired fire extinguishers, installing a comprehensive fire alarm system, and providing thorough fire safety training to all staff members are crucial steps that must be taken urgently.



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