US Masters T10 League’s Teams Set to Dazzle Crowds in USA.


NY Warriors owner Kamran Awan hopes to make Pakistan proud
US Masters T10 League’s Teams Set to Dazzle Crowds in USA
Raleigh, North Carolina,

Having introduced cricket’s fastest format to the world, the T Ten Global Sports is now on a mission to leave their mark across the globe. And next up on the agenda is the US Masters T10 League which will feature some of the most exciting names, as they roll back the clocks for the fans.

The 6 teams involved will be owned by passionate cricket fans, who want to be a part of this unique journey of the sport in USA.

The New York Warriors is owned by Muhammad Kamran Awan, a Pakistani businessman, who hopes to make his country proud and also grow the game of cricket in USA.

The Texas Chargers have the dynamic troika of Hemal Doshi, Paresh Patel and Atam Raval owning the team, meanwhile, the mantle of ownership for the Morrisville Unity is with the team of Ankit Patel, Ajay Keshri and Sanjay Gupta.

The Atlanta Riders is being owned by Mohammed Tarek Hasan and the California Knights are owned by Janak Patel, Nimesh Desai, Rohit Batta and Rajat Batta, while the buck stops at Himanshu Patel for the New Jersey Trilton
The first season of the US Masters T10 League will be held from the 18th to the 27th of August 2023.