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Khelo Pakistan Inter Schools Archery Championship will be held in October.



Khelo Pakistan Inter Schools Archery Championship will be held in October


KARACHI (Sports Reporter) “Khelo Pakistan” Inter-Schools Archery Championship will be held in October in Karachi in which all schools of Karachi will be able to participate, meanwhile different archery clubs from Karachi will also participate in the open category.

Kanwal Hassan, Secretary General of Quality Youth Archery Development and Welfare Association, said that Sports for All Association has partnered with us for this event that will be held for the first time with an

International Standard Archery Facilities, within Karachi so that the event can be organized in a grand manner which will boost the players experience in the field. International Qualified Coach Hassan Abdullah will be the

organizing secretary of this event. He said that this inter-schools event is scheduled from October 20 to October 22, in which, students from grade 6-8,A level, O level as well as university teams will also be included for the first

time in Pakistan. An event will be conducted at the grass root level which will not be inferior in any way to any international event.

This event will improve skills and prepare them for not only national but for upcoming international competitions too.



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