Asian School Throwball Championship ; Third Position in the HHS school system


 Pakistan HHS School System Boys & Girls team secured the third position in the Asian School Throwball Championship 2024.

The championship was held at the Sports Complex Matara, Sri Lanka, from June 27 to 30, 2024.

Mr. Atula, Director of Sports Education for the Government of Sri Lanka, was the chief guest at the closing ceremony and distributed awards to the winners, runners-up, and third-position teams.

Participating teams included Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Malaysia. Pakistan’s team triumphed over Nepal to secure the third position in the championship.

Ms. Hanyia Qazi, captain of the girls’ team, and Shahroz Khan, captain of the boys’ team, along with Coach Adnan Ghori and team manager Faiza Amir, received the trophy from the chief guest.

The Asian School Throwball Federation (ASTF) also announced that Pakistan will host the 2025 Asian School Throwball Championship.

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