Pakistan relegated to BILLIE JEAN KING CUP Group III

Pakistan relegated to BILLIE JEAN KING CUP Group III
Kuala Lumpur: The Singapore team sends Pakistan rolling in group III of the Billie Jean King Cup. The tennis team of Singapore with a population of just over 5 million thrashes Pakistan 3 – 0 score to relegate them to group III for the first time in Pakistan ladies’ tennis history.
In the first single of Singapore, Tan S Y defeated Ushna Sohail of Pakistan 6-1/6-1, in the second single Dhao D beat Mahak Khokhar 6-1,6-0 and in the doubles Lee E & Tong A beat Soha Ali & Amna Qayum 6-2/6-1.
Earlier in the first tie, Mongolia with 3 million population blanked Pakistan women with a disappointing 3 – 0 score. In the singles matches Chogsomjav M beat Ushna Sohail 6-0/6-0 and Enkhjarj beat Mahak Khokhar 6-0/6-0. In the double match, Chongs & Enkhija beat Soha Ali & Amna Qayum 6-1/6-0.
The next tie in the group was held with Hong Kong which has a 7 million population. Again, Pakistan was beaten very badly with a 3 – 0 score. In the first single match, Wong Hong C beat Amna Qayum 6-0/6-0, in the second single match Wo Ho C beat Soha Ali 6-1/6-0, and in the doubles match Leong J & Ng M beat Mahak Khokhar & Amna Qayum 6-0/6-2.
Pakistan’s statistics in the tournament remained extremely poor and shocking. The Pakistan team played 18 sets and did not win a single set. In all three ties, of these 18 sets Pakistan team lost 12 sets with a 6-0 score, and overall 108 games played with only 9 games were won by our ladies’ team. It is quite a super shameful performance and requires urgent attention.
It’s shocking to note that Ushna Sohail who is the cousin of President PTF Aisam ul Haq whose federation is under legitimacy trial in IHC and daughter of Aisam’s uncle – SVP Khawaja Sohail was sent as a coach with women’s team to BRICS games in Russia a couple of weeks back and now sent as a player for BJK cup to give worst performance among all. The result of Russia’s BRICS game was equally horrible.
Pakistan team played two ties against IRAN and BELARUS. They played 6 matches and lost all with a total of 18 sets played and lost ten 6-0 sets in the process. Not a single set could be secured by the Pakistan team.
Tennis experts link this disappointing performance with grave mismanagement in PTF. President Aisam ul Haq was allegedly elected with a forged vote of the International Club of Pakistan. The disputed President is enjoying his time in the UK along with family members and secretary PTF Col Zia also accompanied him with his family. After enjoying Wimbledon, they are relaxing in the UK.
Following the suspension of the only other elected PTF office bearer i.e. treasurer Arif Qureshi, what is more shocking is that the disputed President PTF Asiam has given authority to the losing secretary Major Suleman to act as president, secretary, and treasurer PTF in their absence not mentioning its duration in the notification.
Tennis experts are concerned about the performance of a less than two months away Davis Cup tie against Barbados being held abroad and strongly recommend to the PTF council to set the tennis federation running on the right footing.