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7600 students participate in Pakistan Mathematics Olympiad

7600 students participate in Pakistan Mathematics Olympiad

(Asghar Ali Mubarak)

Islamabad; 7600 students from inside and outside the country participated in the Pakistan Mathematics Olympiad (PMO) paper. The Federal Board of Education, in collaboration with Lahore University of Management Sciences and Islamic World Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), organized the Pakistan Mathematics Olympiad (PMO) competition in 66 examination centers in Pakistan and 3 abroad.

Under the auspices of the Federal Board, 2 examination centers were established abroad in Saudi Arabia and 1 in Kuwait, while 66 centers were established in all four provinces including the federal capital Islamabad, including Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, where the paper started simultaneously at 10 am on Sunday.

In this regard, a special ceremony was held at Islamabad Model College for Boys I83, where the chief guest, Federal Secretary Education Mohiuddin Wani, along with Chairman Federal Board and DG Federal Directorate of Education Syed Jani Dakhlaq, other senior officers and principals,

welcomed and encouraged the children participating in the PMO. Speaking to the media on this occasion, Federal Secretary Education Mohiuddin Wani said that the aim of PMO is to highlight mathematical abilities among mathematics students in Pakistan and abroad.

This competition is being organized especially for students of secondary and higher secondary or its equivalent level. Mathematics is a fundamental pillar in various fields of study.

Recognizing this fundamental role, Pakistan Mathematics Olympiad (PMO) will enhance the mathematical abilities of students as well as develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential for success in various fields.

He said that in order to maintain high academic standards, the Mathematics Department of LUMS has developed a special curriculum for PMO which is in line with international standards, which will enable participants to gain a strong foundation in mathematics.

A model question paper was also prepared for the effective preparation of the students. Seeing the hard work and dedication of the participants,

the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education will provide the best performers in the PMO competitions with the opportunity to win cash prizes, medals, laptops, and other prizes, including admission to the best universities in Pakistan.

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