Sports Board Punjab achieves remarkable targets during 2016-17


LAHORE: Secretary Sports Punjab Muhammad Aamir Jan presided over an important annual meeting at Punjab Stadium on Saturday.

Departmental achievements of archeology, tourism and youth in 2016-17 were also reviewed during the meeting. MD TDCP Ahmer Malik, Deputy Secretary Planning Tehmina Habib, DG Archeology, Director Sports Muhammad Anees Sheikh and Director Admin Javed Rasheed Chohan also attended the key meeting.

Addressing the meeting, Secretary Sports Punjab Muhammad Aamir Jan said that Sports Board Punjab achieved remarkable targets during 2016-17. “Punjab athletes secured several national and international titles in various games. We also conducted elite coaches training programme to equip our coaches with modern training,” he added.

Secretary Sports Punjab Muhammad Aamir Jan informed the meeting that Punjab contingent grabbed a massive aggregate of 151 medals that include 74 gold, 46 silver and 31 bronze medals in recently-held 2nd Quaid-i-Azam Inter-Provincial Games at Islamabad. “Punjab also took 136 including 61 gold medals in the first edition of Quaid-i-Azam Inter-Provincial Games,” he stated.

Secretary Sports Punjab Muhammad Aamir Jan said: “Sports Board Punjab provided best sports facilities to potential youth especially in far-flung areas of the province. We also built dozens of sports gymnasiums, playfields, stadiums and grounds across the province”.

He stressed that Sports Board Punjab will try its level best to improve its performance in the year 2018. “The departments of archeology, tourism and youth will also offer handsome performances in 2018,” he expressed his hope.

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